The time has come, the dining room is now finished! (other than one piece of art which is currently on its way to me from Australia and I will post when it arrives).
Here is what we started with when we bought the house....
I didn't take all the angles until I stripped back the walls in August this year...
And after months of work..... this is what we have achieved:
Another room done!
Lessons learnt along the way:
- Always get Tony to Paint the Ceiling White at the same time as lining the walls, its a really tricky job to do and he is a professional
- Don't try and finish any major components of a room the the same day as having a party, you will exhaust yourself and not enjoy the party as much as a result
- Find one item to draw inspiration from in order to develop the rooms look; for me this was the wooden vase (pictured on top of Adam's bookcase) as it reminded me of Mediterranean Holidays and inspired the colour pallet for the whole room
- It is worth doing up (and cleaning!) old light fittings rather than buying new ones, you can actually find a treasure
- If your Curtains are thin, try stitching another second-hand neutral pair to the back, just as effective as thick curtains but without the cost
Things still to do/get:
- The floor through the dining room and kitchen need replacing as and when we can afford it, more than likely with a tile effect lino like this one from B&Q:
- Receiving and framing and putting up my new "When Life Gives you Lemons..." art which I bought on from SallyandJane on Etsy, this will go on the wall between the patchwork feature wall and the archway to the kitchen:
- Buying and putting up some mood light, ideally with a Moroccan holiday feel like these ones:
- And finally a Moroccan screen, similar to this one, to divide the living room and dining room when needed:

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