I am a great believer in reinstalling and rediscovering original features of houses and in the entire process of doing them up, doing them respectfully and with their history in mind.
We currently have just two of the original 1950s doors remaining upstairs:
Unfortunately the are painted with cigarette stain magnolia and the panels have been filled with wood-chip wallpaper for some reason! The rest of the doors have been replaced with cheap hollow soft wood doors:
Which do look fine but I just love the idea of bringing back one day (hopefully in the not too distant future) solid wood 1950s doors throughout (why they got rid of them in the first place I just cannot explain) and get our existing ones and the future salvage yard found ones dipped to take them back to the beautiful solid wood beneath, but for now I thought I would start with the handles...
I could see that the original handles were there under lots of paint...
...and after four hours of paint stripper...
scraping and using wire wool...
...I revealed the original Bakelite and metal handles.
Really really lovely and completely worth all the hard work!

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